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Nov 8, 2016

Wisconsin US Senate

Incumbent: Ron Johnson (R) | 3 Candidates | 33 polls
Nov 6, 2012

Wisconsin US Senate

Incumbent: Herb Kohl (D) | 4 Candidates | 58 polls
Nov 6, 2012

Washington US Senate

Incumbent: Maria Cantwell (D) | 2 Candidates | 3 polls | Incomplete Data
Nov 6, 2012

Virginia US Senate

Incumbent: Jim Webb (D) | 2 Candidates | 32 polls | Incomplete Data
Nov 6, 2012

Tennessee US Senate

Incumbent: Bob Corker (R) | 2 Candidates | 4 polls
Incumbent: Bob Casey (D) | 2 Candidates | 16 polls | Incomplete Data
Nov 6, 2012

Ohio US Senate

Incumbent: Sherrod Brown (D) | 3 Candidates | 68 polls | Incomplete Data
Incumbent: Kent Conrad (D) | 2 Candidates | 16 polls
Nov 6, 2012

New Mexico US Senate

Incumbent: Jeff Bingaman (D) | 2 Candidates | 6 polls | Incomplete Data
Nov 6, 2012

Nevada US Senate

Incumbent: Dean Heller (R) | 3 Candidates | 44 polls
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